How companies utilize the groundswell

For the past few weeks, we’ve discussed ways to engage social media and groundswell. In today’s post, we’ll discuss not only how you can embrace the groundswell, but how you can use it within your own company and any sales



In this book“Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies,” Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff show how we can benefit from embracing the groundswell, engaging with audiences on Facebook, Twitter, and using the groundswell within our own companies. 

Reading from the nine-part, we will know more information Embracing the groundswell.

The book stresses the importance of embracing the groundswell. From reading, I know they mean that we should embrace the opinions and potential ideas that audiences have for our companies. If one company trying to figure out what products to make, how to package them, and how to sell them, from that we will know embrace customer is important. Because customers don’t take long to tell you what they want. They use your product and interact with your company; they know what’s wrong and how things can be fixed (P. 213). Besides, Innovation is also important, innovation happens more quickly can make your company improvements (P.213).

The authors in order to make the reader more clearly, the book gives an example of a dog-lover, George, who described his dog as a person and appeal dog lovers treat their pet as a person. Prepare a nutritious meal as breakfast have bacon and eggs. Why Snausages Breakfast sells so popular because Del monte chooses to listen to its customers and embrace what they wanted. 

 Snausages Breakfast In A Blanket Beef & Cheese Flavor Dog Snacks. Actual size! Chewy snacks for dogs! Reusable

Another example of embracing the groundswell comes from Loblaw, Jim Osborne helped turn a grocery store and its store-brand into a hotbed of innovation, and Jim was VP of eCommerce and online marketing for Loblaw. The President’s Choice brand is one of Loblaw’s products. Why the President’s Choice brand is so popular at Loblaw’s seller link. Because a central part of the president’s choice brand is that Loblaw listens to and responds to. Loblaw and President’s Choice are listening, and customers know it. Everyone who shops knows products have problems, but it’s the rare retailer or manufacturer that actually fixes them. Loblaw has that reputation now, which means a lot to its customers (P.222).


Both of these examples show how companies embraced the groundswell and took ideas from their audience. It doesn’t matter what kind of business of your company, if you have customers, they can help you. According to your customers dissing you in the groundswell, you’ll innovate faster and look responsive, and in the long term, that’s going to bring more business your way. The second important thing to remember is that embracing your customers takes a balance between skill and humility (P.223). 

Tapping the groundswell with Twitter

Engaging Twitter is essential in embracing the groundswell. It’s a place where companies and consumers can converse directly and express candidly. The book mentions that Twitter is a key part of the groundswell---driving, reporting on, and extending activity in everything from blogs to social networks (P.228).
They mention an example of a blogger, Fadra, who tweeted at McDonald’s that at here she can get a little break from her hectic schedule, and Evan gets a Happy Meal and a toy. After that, A McDonald’s social media employee responded to Fadra’s tweet (P.226).

McDonald's Twitter

Twitter's reply

Another Twitter interaction example is AT&T. AT&T’s management noticed that company was a Twitter trending topic, and many traditional problems can be fixed on Twitter. So AT&T set out to make Twitter into a service channel. Using the Twitter AT&T has now blunted threats to its reputation (P.237). 


From reading Twitter lessons, we can draw an important conclusion is the company's success in this team is a timely response. Twitter may well be among the simplest, most powerful social tools you can use.

What do you think about these effects of the groundswell? Let's comment! 



  1. Hello jia hui

    Thank you very much for sharing. From the article you wrote, I learned how to use Twitter to promote my brand. The power of Twitter software is so great that it reaches not only the general public, but also the current President of the United States, Donald Trump. I'm going to look in detail at how to use Twitter. And use it to promote products in future work.

  2. Great post! I thought that you mentioned a really great point about looking responsive to customers. Being able to respond and interact in a timely manner is so important in building and keeping a strong brand!

  3. Hi Jiahui,
    Great post! I think McDonald's is a great example of a company that is able to successfully respond to its customers on Twitter. I know that other fast-food companies, such as Wendy's are very well at this. I think that for food providers in particular, being able to engage the groundswell with timely responses to complaints is a great way of maintaining brand loyalty.

  4. Hi Jiahui,

    What i want to say is that you've made a very clear reading generalization and also brought some extra info to prove the idea that we learned from the book. Nicely done! Here is one thing, i wanna share with you that is about Mcdonald's.
    McDonald is a great example to show how the company can engage in the social media as a friends, also Mcdonald's also using social media to deal with peer competitors, such as wendy's. You can search some video or go to social media to see wish can show you more about what Mcdonald's have done.( so funny)

    Thank you!


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